I found the MagpieRSS rss/atom parser and have now integrated it into this website. So I can post to my blogspot and have it show up here. Unfortunately it seems that some of the entries have font tags automatically embedded. I'll have to strip them out at some point.


I have finished converting my home website! Check it out Drakos7.net! The gallery is live also but I am still moving my old pictures to it. Now just to figure out how to pipe this blog to my site!


I am in the process of converting my photoachive over to the Gallery system. I am sticking with v1.4 instead of trying out gallery2 because they have not stabilized the database structure yet. Most of the transfer will be done tonight. Hopefully I will "open" the new photoarchive tomorrow. I still need to come up with a good personalized graphical theme for it, but I think the existing one works well for now. Have a look at my main website to see if it is up yet.


Well, it has been a while (as usual). Just got back from a fun wedding in MD. Raegan got married to Michael. It was fun to see Heather Phillips, Cecily Fitzpatrick, and Janice Flint again, not to mention Raegan and her parents. Anne and Andrew did great for the wedding. They just did so so on the car ride though.
I am a believer in priceline.com now. We got hotel rates 40% of the advertised price. We would not have been able to make it to the wedding otherwise.
End of Line.