This GAIM plugin is really nice. Makes things a lot easier. Anyway...
Today is day 3 of Camille and the kids being gone. It is too quiet. Amazingly enough I can survive. She left me some food frozen in the freezer. I just finished cooking up some samosas. They are pretty good. I did not make an authentic sauce for them though. Dinosaur BBQ sauce is pretty good though!
I am scheduled to fly down to NC State to help with some work. My lab is part of a numerous multi-universe research programs. On Friday I found great tickets from my home airport down and back. But, because of poor communication, it looks like the ideal plane tickets for $226 are gone. I am now within the 2 weeks before the flight and the cost jumped to $600+. In order to get tix under $300, I will have to get a ride to a different airport over 1hr away. Really lame. The shuttle to the Syracuse airport is $88 round trip. I should just start up my own shuttle service and charge $50. Anyway, if found tix out of Corning for $213. The times are not ideal, and I'll have to find someone to drop me off and pick me up.
Gai 0.5.3 was released this weekend. Time to make gai-bgswitcher-0.3!

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