NetBeans IDE 6.5 - MSSQL Server Connection

Sure, I don't use this blog anymore but in the hopes that this will shorten the need for others to figure out how to do it...
  1. Get and install the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver OR the opensource jtds driver (libjtds-java in Synaptic Package Manager)
  2. Start up NetBeans
  3. Menu -> Window -> Services (or CTRL-5)
  4. Expand "Databases"
  5. Right-click on Drivers and select "New Driver"
  6. Click "Add..." in the "New JDBC Driver" window, navigate to the driver (/usr/share/java/jtds.jar), and click "Open"
  7. Right-click on either the new "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" or "jTDS" driver option, select "Connect using..."
  8. Fill in your database information (port 1433 is often not necessary to enter) and click OK
  9. Here is the tricky part. It asks you for a Schema. Select "dbo"
Why the "SCHEMA" is "dbo" I do not know, nor do I care particularly. But it works.

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